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Market Day Gourmet Profile

Market Day Gourmet
555 Pierce Road Suite 200
Itasca Illinois 60143
Phone: 630 285 3375

Market Day Gourmet offers a unique, versatile selection of foods and kitchen accessories sold exclusively through in-home parties. Their specialty is gourmet products and includes custom blended spices, savory breads and dessert mixes, and sauces and marinades that can help create simple yet impressive dishes.

With Market Day Gourmet, a portion of party sales is contributed to a school or charitable organization of the hostess’ choice. Market Day Gourmet consultants can help raise funds for a worthy cause in their community.

Market Day Gourment is a member of the DSA.

Market Day Gourmet Owners, Executives and Executive Consultants

Trudi Temple, Founder

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Market Day Gourmet Products and Product Reviews Product Line: food and kitchen accessories

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Market Day Gourmet added to Directory
Market Day Gourmet has been added to the Npros home based business directory. Market Day Gourmet offers a unique, versatile selection of foods and kitchen accessories sold exclusively through in-home parties. Their specialty is gourmet products and includes custom blended spices, savory breads and dessert mixes, and sauces and marinades that can help create simple yet impressive dishes....

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